May 2024 Shirlington Dog Park Newsletter

1.  Please join us for the annual Shirlington Dog Park Cleanup and Fundraiser Weekend on May 18 and 19, starting at 10:00 AM both days. Show your support for the Dog Park by participating in the cleanup on at least one of the days. Please meet at the bulletin board inside the Oakland St main entrance. We will be spreading mulch around the trees, picking up trash and doing other tasks. Everything will be provided for you. Any amount of time that you can give is appreciated and we will have thank you gifts as well.
We will also be collecting donations on both days to help maintain the dog park including purchasing poop bags and planting new trees. Our goal this year is to raise $6,000. There will be dog park magnets, key rings and other incentive items available. You can also make your tax-deductible donation anytime by clicking on “Donate” at the top menu

2.  South Oakland Street leading to the dog park will be closed on Sunday, May 5, from noon to 6:00 PM for a Cinco de Mayo event hosted by Snouts and Stouts. Use S. Nelson St to access the parking area.

3.   When using the water fixtures please press the buttons gently and only for the short time it takes to fill the bowls. Otherwise the mechanism will break causing the water to continue running or no water available at all.

4.  Found Key. If you lost a key that was in a small envelope contact me: